Technical components

Version 4 (Paul Carensac, 04/20/2016 10:45 am)

1 1 Paul Carensac
h1. Technical components
2 2 Paul Carensac
3 4 Paul Carensac
Explanations on the technical components of the project : the ones we have created (internal), and the imported ones (external).
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h2. %{margin-left:0px; font-weight:bold; font-size:25px;  display:block; color:red;}Internal components%
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h3. Agent
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11 4 Paul Carensac
The Agent class is in the file.
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13 4 Paul Carensac
 * *I - Purpose*
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    * Generically handles and creates the asynchronous modules
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    * Uses the threading library (see below in External components) to make all modules independent
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    * Provides an abstract class to be inherited
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 * *II - Features*
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    * Uses a config file (pyros_agent_config.ini) to set the network communication interface of all agents
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    * Provides a 'work' method to override : this is the entry method of the newly created thread (see 'How to use it' section below)
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    * Provides the 'receive' and 'analyze_message' methods to generically receive messages from network and analyze them 
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 * *III - How to use it ?*
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    Each of these points are +NECESSARY+
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    * Create a new class that inherits from Agent
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    * In the __init__ method, first call the __init__ method of Agent, passing the name of the agent as second parameter (they are defined in the Agent class, eg: Agent.SCHEDULER)
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    * Inside the class, define the messages your agent can receive (eg: MSG_OBS_FINISHED = "Observation finished")
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    * Create a method to be called for every message you created
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    * In the __init__, after calling the Agent's __init__, associate each message to its associated function in the 'self.actions_by_message' dictionary (eg: self.actions_by_message[self.MSG_OBS_FINISHED] = self.observation_finished)
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    * Override the method work : this will be the entry function of the new thread, so do whatever you need. This MUST NOT be an infinite loop, because Agent's receive method will be called after this one
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    * If ever needed, override the 'shutdown' method, it will be called when your agent receive the Agent.SHUTDOWN message (eg: if you created another thread in the 'work' method, you need to close it)
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    The main points to understand are that you can do whatever you want (but non-blocking) in work method (like creating new threads or variables' initialization), then the only entry points are the message-associated methods 
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h3. Sender
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41 4 Paul Carensac
The Sender class is in the file
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43 4 Paul Carensac
 * *I - Purpose*
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45 4 Paul Carensac
    * Send a given message to an agent
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 * *II - Features*
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    * Uses the 'pyros_agent_config.ini' file to get the agents' network interface configuration (ip and port)
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    * Provide a 'send_to' static method to send the messages
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 * *III - How to use it ?*
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54 4 Paul Carensac
    * The targeted agent must be described in 'pyros_agent_config.ini'
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    * Use Sender.send_to method, giving as first parameter the name of the targeted agent (eg: Agent.SCHEDULER), and as second parameter the message (eg: Agent.SHUTDOWN)
56 4 Paul Carensac
    * /!\ send_to is a static method, you don't need to instantiate a Sender (just do Sender.send_to(...))
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h2. %{margin-left:0px; font-weight:bold; font-size:25px;  display:block; color:red;}External components%
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h3. Threading library
62 2 Paul Carensac
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h3. Socket library
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