
Version 5 (Paul Carensac, 08/09/2016 11:27 am)

1 1 Paul Carensac
h1. Scripts
2 1 Paul Carensac
3 5 Paul Carensac
Explanations about the scripts. 
4 1 Paul Carensac
5 3 Paul Carensac
6 3 Paul Carensac
7 1 Paul Carensac
8 1 Paul Carensac
9 5 Paul Carensac
Most of them are located in src/scripts/ folder : 
10 1 Paul Carensac
11 5 Paul Carensac
h3. / .bat
12 5 Paul Carensac
13 1 Paul Carensac
 * *Goal*
14 1 Paul Carensac
    Run tests using the production database in order to see the celery results (celery is always running on production database).
15 1 Paul Carensac
16 4 Paul Carensac
 * *Argument(s)*
17 2 Paul Carensac
    You need to give the app / TestClass / test_name to run it (prevents a fail test launching, polluting the production DB)
18 2 Paul Carensac
19 1 Paul Carensac
 * *How it works ?*
20 1 Paul Carensac
21 2 Paul Carensac
  * Moves to src/ folder
22 1 Paul Carensac
  * Uses sed command to set CELERY_TEST variable to 'True' in (The consequence is that the production DB will be chosen for tests in
23 2 Paul Carensac
  * Runs the test(s) you gave with --kepdb and --nomigrations in order to preserve the production DB
24 2 Paul Carensac
25 2 Paul Carensac
26 2 Paul Carensac
27 2 Paul Carensac
28 2 Paul Carensac
 * *Goal*
29 2 Paul Carensac
    Deletes all the Alerts, Requests, Sequences, Albums and Plan from the current DB (the one chosen in
30 2 Paul Carensac
    The goal is to easily clean the DB
31 2 Paul Carensac
32 2 Paul Carensac
 * *How it works ?*
33 2 Paul Carensac
34 2 Paul Carensac
  * Moves to src/ folder
35 2 Paul Carensac
  * Checks in whether MySQL or SQLite is used
36 2 Paul Carensac
  * Uses SQL inline command to delete the fields in the current DB
37 2 Paul Carensac
38 2 Paul Carensac
39 5 Paul Carensac
h3. / .bat
40 2 Paul Carensac
41 2 Paul Carensac
 * *Goal*
42 2 Paul Carensac
    Deletes all the celery workers running (in background, or not)
43 2 Paul Carensac
44 2 Paul Carensac
 * *How it works ?*
45 2 Paul Carensac
46 1 Paul Carensac
  * Lists all the process running on the computer
47 2 Paul Carensac
  * Looks for "celery worker" matching one
48 2 Paul Carensac
  * Gets their PIDs
49 2 Paul Carensac
  * Send them a kill -9 message
50 2 Paul Carensac
51 2 Paul Carensac
52 5 Paul Carensac
h3. / .bat
53 2 Paul Carensac
54 2 Paul Carensac
 * *Goal*
55 1 Paul Carensac
    Starts the celery workers, giving them a queue and a name
56 1 Paul Carensac
57 1 Paul Carensac
 * *How it works ?*
58 1 Paul Carensac
59 1 Paul Carensac
  * Moves to src/ folder
60 1 Paul Carensac
  * Kills the workers still running
61 1 Paul Carensac
  * Starts every worker one by one (in background using '&'), giving them a queue, a name, and purging the associated queue if needed
62 5 Paul Carensac
63 5 Paul Carensac
64 5 Paul Carensac
h3. / .bat
65 5 Paul Carensac
66 5 Paul Carensac
 * *Goal*
67 5 Paul Carensac
    Run all the tests that don't need celery
68 5 Paul Carensac
69 5 Paul Carensac
 * *How it works ?*
70 5 Paul Carensac
71 5 Paul Carensac
  * Just use python test command with all the wanted tests
72 5 Paul Carensac
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75 5 Paul Carensac
76 5 Paul Carensac
They are also two scripts in the simulators/ folder : 
77 5 Paul Carensac
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79 5 Paul Carensac
80 5 Paul Carensac
81 5 Paul Carensac
 * *Goal*
82 5 Paul Carensac
    Run all the simulators in background
83 5 Paul Carensac
84 5 Paul Carensac
 * *How it works ?*
85 5 Paul Carensac
86 5 Paul Carensac
  * Launches each simulator in background with python
87 5 Paul Carensac
88 5 Paul Carensac
89 5 Paul Carensac
90 5 Paul Carensac
 * *Goal*
91 5 Paul Carensac
    Kill all simulators process in background
92 5 Paul Carensac
93 5 Paul Carensac
 * *How it works ?*
94 5 Paul Carensac
95 5 Paul Carensac
  * Finds the process IDs corresponding to the simulators and kills them
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99 5 Paul Carensac
The script that should be used by users to run the project's functionalities is in the PYROS/ root folder :
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101 5 Paul Carensac
102 5 Paul Carensac
h3. / .bat
103 5 Paul Carensac
104 5 Paul Carensac
 * *Goal*
105 5 Paul Carensac
    Allow to run every feature of the project from its root (runserver, tests, celery, ...)
106 5 Paul Carensac
107 5 Paul Carensac
 * *How it works ?*
108 5 Paul Carensac
109 5 Paul Carensac
  * It calls the commands and the other scripts, according to the given parameters (see the usage message) <== This script should be improved before the 12/08/2016