Pyros applications

Version 49 (Paul Carensac, 07/08/2016 12:16 pm)

1 1 Paul Carensac
h1. Pyros applications
2 1 Paul Carensac
3 2 Paul Carensac
List and details of all the pyros applications.
4 2 Paul Carensac
5 17 Paul Carensac
6 17 Paul Carensac
7 2 Paul Carensac
8 2 Paul Carensac
9 2 Paul Carensac
h2. %{margin-left:0px; font-weight:bold; font-size:25px;  display:block; color:red;}pyrosapp%
10 2 Paul Carensac
11 3 Paul Carensac
h3. Purpose
12 2 Paul Carensac
13 2 Paul Carensac
 * Contains all the database Models
14 2 Paul Carensac
 * Basic tests in
15 2 Paul Carensac
 * Backoffice configuration in
16 2 Paul Carensac
17 3 Paul Carensac
h3. Notes
18 2 Paul Carensac
19 2 Paul Carensac
20 2 Paul Carensac
21 2 Paul Carensac
22 2 Paul Carensac
h2. %{margin-left:0px; font-weight:bold; font-size:25px;  display:block; color:red;}dashboard%
23 2 Paul Carensac
24 3 Paul Carensac
h3. Purpose
25 2 Paul Carensac
26 2 Paul Carensac
 * Interface for all external users
27 2 Paul Carensac
 * Leads to displays and actions for all the pyros modules (users, requests, system execution, ...)
28 2 Paul Carensac
29 4 Paul Carensac
h3. Evolution
30 4 Paul Carensac
31 4 Paul Carensac
 * Creating application
32 4 Paul Carensac
33 4 Paul Carensac
    * startapp dashboard
34 5 Paul Carensac
    * added 'dashboard' in -> INSTALLED_APPS
35 5 Paul Carensac
    * created a file in dashboard module
36 5 Paul Carensac
    * added _url(r'^dashboard/', include('dashboard.urls'))_ in pyros/ -> urlpatterns
37 5 Paul Carensac
    * created templates/ and templates/dashboard/ folders in dashboard module
38 5 Paul Carensac
39 5 Paul Carensac
 * Main page
40 5 Paul Carensac
41 5 Paul Carensac
    * added 'home' view in
42 5 Paul Carensac
    * linked 'home' view to 8000/dashboard URL
43 5 Paul Carensac
    * created a template for the homepage in templates/dashboard/ (with bootstrap)
44 5 Paul Carensac
    * created views, views linking ( and templates for the dashboard modules
45 5 Paul Carensac
    * redirected mainpage buttons to Admin interface (temporary)
46 4 Paul Carensac
47 22 Paul Carensac
 * System page (logs)
48 22 Paul Carensac
49 22 Paul Carensac
    * Retrieve logs from the db
50 26 Paul Carensac
    * Print logs and automatically update every second via an ajax request
51 22 Paul Carensac
52 3 Paul Carensac
h3. Notes
53 2 Paul Carensac
54 2 Paul Carensac
 * The buttons lead to the Admin interface for the moment
55 7 Paul Carensac
 * Added bootstrap3 module (see Installation)
56 7 Paul Carensac
 * Added Django Template Editor (see Eclipse configuration)
57 2 Paul Carensac
58 3 Paul Carensac
h3. TODO
59 2 Paul Carensac
60 2 Paul Carensac
 * Create the backoffice views as the modules are integrated in pyros
61 2 Paul Carensac
 * Think about a system of permissions
62 2 Paul Carensac
63 2 Paul Carensac
64 8 Paul Carensac
65 8 Paul Carensac
h2. %{margin-left:0px; font-weight:bold; font-size:25px;  display:block; color:red;}scheduler%
66 8 Paul Carensac
67 8 Paul Carensac
h3. Purpose
68 8 Paul Carensac
69 8 Paul Carensac
 * Creates the planning with the OBSERVABLE sequences
70 40 Paul Carensac
 * Give access to a web page to see the current & old plannings
71 8 Paul Carensac
72 8 Paul Carensac
h3. Evolution
73 8 Paul Carensac
74 8 Paul Carensac
 * Creating application
75 8 Paul Carensac
76 8 Paul Carensac
    * startapp scheduler
77 8 Paul Carensac
    * added 'scheduler' in -> INSTALLED_APPS
78 8 Paul Carensac
    * created a file in scheduler module
79 8 Paul Carensac
    * added _url(r'^scheduler/', include('scheduler.urls'))_ in pyros/ -> urlpatterns
80 8 Paul Carensac
    * created templates/ and templates/scheduler/ folders in scheduler module
81 8 Paul Carensac
82 9 Paul Carensac
 * Model modifications
83 1 Paul Carensac
84 9 Paul Carensac
    * Schedule
85 9 Paul Carensac
86 9 Paul Carensac
        * Remove day_start
87 9 Paul Carensac
        * Remove day_stop
88 9 Paul Carensac
        * Add plan_start
89 13 Paul Carensac
        * Add plan_end
90 9 Paul Carensac
        * Enum system for the status 
91 9 Paul Carensac
    * ScheduleHistory
92 9 Paul Carensac
93 9 Paul Carensac
        * Remove day_start
94 9 Paul Carensac
        * Remove day_stop
95 9 Paul Carensac
        * Add plan_start
96 13 Paul Carensac
        * Add plan_end
97 9 Paul Carensac
    * Sequence
98 9 Paul Carensac
99 9 Paul Carensac
        * Remove exec_start
100 9 Paul Carensac
        * Remove exec_stop
101 9 Paul Carensac
        * Add tsp
102 9 Paul Carensac
        * Add tep
103 9 Paul Carensac
        * Add jd1
104 9 Paul Carensac
        * Add jd2
105 9 Paul Carensac
        * Add deltaTL
106 9 Paul Carensac
        * Add deltaTR
107 9 Paul Carensac
        * Add t_prefered
108 9 Paul Carensac
        * Changed duration from Float to DecimalField (more precise)
109 15 Paul Carensac
        * Add overhead
110 15 Paul Carensac
111 10 Paul Carensac
    * makemigrations sheduler ; migrate
112 10 Paul Carensac
113 10 Paul Carensac
 * Creation of Scheduler and Interval classes in
114 10 Paul Carensac
115 10 Paul Carensac
 * Implementation of the Interval class
116 10 Paul Carensac
117 12 Paul Carensac
 * Implementation of the Scheduler's 'make_schedule' function (and children). This is the only entry point for now. This function creates the planning (organizes the observable sequences).
118 9 Paul Carensac
119 14 Paul Carensac
 * Creation of the web interface
120 14 Paul Carensac
121 14 Paul Carensac
    * Added current_schedule.html in template/scheduler folder
122 14 Paul Carensac
    * Created view and url linking to this template (with current planning retrieving)
123 14 Paul Carensac
124 14 Paul Carensac
 * Creation of the simulator
125 14 Paul Carensac
126 14 Paul Carensac
    * Created a second entry point in the Scheduler class (with a few minor adaptations to handle SIMULATION mode)
127 14 Paul Carensac
    * Created a simulator module in the scheduler
128 14 Paul Carensac
129 14 Paul Carensac
        * Added the MyHTMLParser class (easy implementation of HTMLParser)
130 23 Paul Carensac
        * Added Simulator class. It parses a file given in parametr to retrieve sequences and create a schedule
131 14 Paul Carensac
    * Created a second view linked to schedule/simulation to show simulation results
132 1 Paul Carensac
133 29 Paul Carensac
 * Supression du système d'agent et ajout de la tâche (celery) de scheduling
134 29 Paul Carensac
135 23 Paul Carensac
 * Main update 19/05/2016 : overheads & historic system
136 23 Paul Carensac
137 23 Paul Carensac
    * Deleted ScheduleHistory
138 23 Paul Carensac
    * Transformed the Sequence - Schedule relation to ManyToMany
139 23 Paul Carensac
    * Moved the scheduling information into the M2M relationship class (shs = ScheduleHasSequences)
140 23 Paul Carensac
    * Added a static overhead into scheduling (can be set from the calling code, through scheduler.max_overhead = blabla(float))
141 23 Paul Carensac
142 23 Paul Carensac
h3. Tests
143 23 Paul Carensac
144 30 Paul Carensac
 * Some tests in to test the different functionalities of the scheduler. These tests include the simulation.
145 24 Paul Carensac
 * A simulator at localhost:8000/scheduler/simulation, taking sequences from scheduler/sequences_cador.html
146 24 Paul Carensac
147 8 Paul Carensac
h3. Notes
148 1 Paul Carensac
149 1 Paul Carensac
 * Priorities and quotas are default-calculated (for the moment)
150 9 Paul Carensac
 * What is the 'flag' attribute in the Schedule model ?
151 1 Paul Carensac
152 9 Paul Carensac
h3. TODO
153 13 Paul Carensac
154 38 Paul Carensac
 * views
155 39 Paul Carensac
156 38 Paul Carensac
  * Link the main page to the current schedule instead of the simulation page
157 38 Paul Carensac
  * Show user sequences in the schedules (with links)
158 38 Paul Carensac
  * Give accces to old schedules (day / days before / all end-night plannings / all plannings)
159 38 Paul Carensac
  * Give access to the refused sequences of a schedule, and the reasons of rejects
160 39 Paul Carensac
161 38 Paul Carensac
 * scheduler
162 39 Paul Carensac
163 38 Paul Carensac
  * Change the system to determine night start/end (they must be given in parameter, only if first_schedule is True)
164 38 Paul Carensac
  * Store the reasons of rejects (create a new attribute)
165 38 Paul Carensac
  * What is the 'flag' attribute ? (@AK)
166 38 Paul Carensac
  * Do not create the execute_sequence tasks if it's not the night (- 120 seconds)
167 38 Paul Carensac
  * Priority and quota computing
168 38 Paul Carensac
  * Quotas evolution
169 38 Paul Carensac
  * Blank space filling
170 38 Paul Carensac
  * At the end of a scheduling send, it to the IC ?
171 18 Paul Carensac
172 18 Paul Carensac
173 18 Paul Carensac
174 18 Paul Carensac
h2. %{margin-left:0px; font-weight:bold; font-size:25px;  display:block; color:red;}alert_manager%
175 18 Paul Carensac
176 18 Paul Carensac
h3. Purpose
177 18 Paul Carensac
178 18 Paul Carensac
 * Listen to VOEvent network
179 18 Paul Carensac
 * Sort interesting events
180 18 Paul Carensac
 * Create requests according to these events
181 18 Paul Carensac
 * Manage the requests created via the alerts
182 35 Paul Carensac
 * Change the observation strategies for alerts
183 18 Paul Carensac
184 18 Paul Carensac
h3. Evolution
185 18 Paul Carensac
186 18 Paul Carensac
 * Creating application
187 18 Paul Carensac
188 18 Paul Carensac
    * See scheduler documentation above
189 18 Paul Carensac
190 18 Paul Carensac
 * Implementation of the agent system
191 18 Paul Carensac
192 18 Paul Carensac
    * Created whith a "class AlertManagerAgent(Agent):" inside
193 18 Paul Carensac
    * Overriding agent's 'work' and 'shutdown' method
194 18 Paul Carensac
    * Added message(s) to agent.actions_by_message dictionnary, with the functions associated to these messages
195 18 Paul Carensac
    * Added the Agent's launch system in
196 18 Paul Carensac
197 18 Paul Carensac
 * Implementation of the VOEventListener Thread
198 18 Paul Carensac
199 18 Paul Carensac
    * Created a "class VOEventListener(Thread):" in
200 18 Paul Carensac
    * Overriding the run method
201 18 Paul Carensac
202 28 Paul Carensac
 * 19/05/2016 : deleted the agent system (deleted from the applications below too)
203 1 Paul Carensac
204 27 Paul Carensac
 * Added some VOEvents in events_to_send
205 27 Paul Carensac
206 27 Paul Carensac
 * Installed Comet (see in [[Technical components]] section)
207 1 Paul Carensac
208 28 Paul Carensac
 * Created 2 celery tasks in : alert_listener and change_obs_strategy
209 28 Paul Carensac
210 28 Paul Carensac
 * Added alert_listener launch at server start
211 28 Paul Carensac
212 28 Paul Carensac
 * Implemented alert_listener : it waits for an event file to be created in events_received, then read it and creates a request
213 28 Paul Carensac
214 28 Paul Carensac
 * Added a simulator system ( see section Tests below )
215 28 Paul Carensac
216 35 Paul Carensac
 * Added the strategy_change page
217 35 Paul Carensac
218 45 Paul Carensac
 * Removed launching at start : it is now started by the monitoring task
219 45 Paul Carensac
220 28 Paul Carensac
h3. Tests
221 28 Paul Carensac
222 28 Paul Carensac
 * Simulator : 
223 28 Paul Carensac
224 28 Paul Carensac
  * You first need to set settings.SIMULATION to True (in pyros/
225 28 Paul Carensac
  * Start celery workers (scripts/
226 28 Paul Carensac
  * Start server ( runserver)
227 28 Paul Carensac
  * Go to localhost:8000/alert_manager/simulation, and press the button !
228 28 Paul Carensac
  * This will read into the simulation_sequences file.
229 28 Paul Carensac
230 41 Paul Carensac
 * Test AlertListenerTestsCelery.test_alert_reception :
231 28 Paul Carensac
232 28 Paul Carensac
  * Tests if the alert_listener is working well.
233 28 Paul Carensac
  * +Be careful :+ this will act on the production database, and will start the entire alert workflow
234 1 Paul Carensac
  * To start it : script/ alert_manager
235 41 Paul Carensac
236 41 Paul Carensac
 * Tests TestStrategyChange.* :
237 41 Paul Carensac
  * Test the changing of the observation strategy with errors and different parameters
238 28 Paul Carensac
239 27 Paul Carensac
h3. Notes
240 1 Paul Carensac
241 28 Paul Carensac
 * The request created by alert_listener is hard-coded
242 28 Paul Carensac
243 1 Paul Carensac
h3. TODO
244 28 Paul Carensac
245 42 Paul Carensac
 * Web :
246 42 Paul Carensac
247 42 Paul Carensac
  * Print if there is an alert in progress in the main page
248 42 Paul Carensac
  * Link the alerts to their status and results
249 42 Paul Carensac
250 42 Paul Carensac
 * Connect to a real VOEvent broker
251 42 Paul Carensac
252 42 Paul Carensac
 * Determine the communication with FSC for strategy change
253 42 Paul Carensac
254 42 Paul Carensac
 * VOEvents :
255 42 Paul Carensac
256 42 Paul Carensac
  * Extract the good fields (see AK Q&A 07/01/2016)
257 42 Paul Carensac
  * Fill the request & alerts objects
258 42 Paul Carensac
  * Use strategies to build a request
259 42 Paul Carensac
  * Handle VOEvent updates
260 42 Paul Carensac
  * Be careful to not create 2 alerts for a same GRB, seen by 2 different satellites 
261 18 Paul Carensac
262 18 Paul Carensac
263 18 Paul Carensac
264 20 Paul Carensac
h2. %{margin-left:0px; font-weight:bold; font-size:25px;  display:block; color:red;}analyzer%
265 18 Paul Carensac
266 18 Paul Carensac
h3. Purpose
267 18 Paul Carensac
268 36 Paul Carensac
 * Apply calibration files to the images taken by the observation manager
269 36 Paul Carensac
 * Analyze the images produced by the calibrations
270 18 Paul Carensac
271 18 Paul Carensac
h3. Evolution
272 18 Paul Carensac
273 18 Paul Carensac
 * Creating application
274 18 Paul Carensac
275 18 Paul Carensac
    * See scheduler documentation above
276 18 Paul Carensac
277 43 Paul Carensac
 * Implemented the skeleton of the module in the task Analysis (call  a function for calibrations then a function for analyses)
278 1 Paul Carensac
279 1 Paul Carensac
h3. Notes
280 1 Paul Carensac
281 36 Paul Carensac
h3. TODO
282 43 Paul Carensac
283 43 Paul Carensac
 * Apply the calibrations in the right function
284 43 Paul Carensac
 * Apply the analyses only if it's a GRB
285 43 Paul Carensac
 * Implement the analyses
286 43 Paul Carensac
 * Send analyses to FSC
287 18 Paul Carensac
288 18 Paul Carensac
289 18 Paul Carensac
290 19 Paul Carensac
h2. %{margin-left:0px; font-weight:bold; font-size:25px;  display:block; color:red;}majordome%
291 18 Paul Carensac
292 18 Paul Carensac
h3. Purpose
293 18 Paul Carensac
294 44 Paul Carensac
 * Handles the execution of the sequences in the right order during the night
295 44 Paul Carensac
 * Handles the system start & stop
296 44 Paul Carensac
 * Handles the changes of observation conditions
297 46 Paul Carensac
 * Stops the celery tasks when needed
298 44 Paul Carensac
299 18 Paul Carensac
h3. Evolution
300 18 Paul Carensac
301 21 Paul Carensac
 * Creating application
302 1 Paul Carensac
303 46 Paul Carensac
  * See scheduler documentation above
304 21 Paul Carensac
305 46 Paul Carensac
  * Created all the tasks in
306 21 Paul Carensac
307 46 Paul Carensac
  * Created the TaskManager to stop the sequence & plan executions when an alert / routine is received
308 21 Paul Carensac
309 46 Paul Carensac
  * Implemented execute_sequence (not finished)
310 1 Paul Carensac
311 1 Paul Carensac
h3. Notes
312 1 Paul Carensac
313 1 Paul Carensac
h3. TODO
314 46 Paul Carensac
315 46 Paul Carensac
 * TaskManager
316 46 Paul Carensac
317 46 Paul Carensac
  * When a sequence is cancelled, give back the quota to the user
318 46 Paul Carensac
  * In case of alert, do not stop the ongoing plan, and make the instruments abort
319 46 Paul Carensac
320 46 Paul Carensac
 * execute_sequence
321 46 Paul Carensac
322 46 Paul Carensac
  * Add the PLC checks at start (to see if we do the slew)
323 46 Paul Carensac
  * Use the global telescope (instead of creating one here)
324 46 Paul Carensac
  * Give first_schedule as false when a scheduling is launched
325 46 Paul Carensac
  * Remove the default countdown (1, for tests)
326 46 Paul Carensac
327 46 Paul Carensac
 * system_pause
328 46 Paul Carensac
329 46 Paul Carensac
  * Abort the isntruments
330 46 Paul Carensac
  * Stop the execution tasks
331 46 Paul Carensac
332 46 Paul Carensac
 * system_restart
333 46 Paul Carensac
334 46 Paul Carensac
  * Start a scheduling
335 46 Paul Carensac
336 46 Paul Carensac
 * change_obs_conditions
337 46 Paul Carensac
338 46 Paul Carensac
  * Change sequences status (if  needed)
339 46 Paul Carensac
  * If some status changed, re-launch a scheduling
340 18 Paul Carensac
341 18 Paul Carensac
342 18 Paul Carensac
343 19 Paul Carensac
h2. %{margin-left:0px; font-weight:bold; font-size:25px;  display:block; color:red;}monitoring%
344 18 Paul Carensac
345 18 Paul Carensac
h3. Purpose
346 18 Paul Carensac
347 47 Paul Carensac
 * It is the only tasks launched at the system's start
348 47 Paul Carensac
 * Make all the starting actions : instruments configuration, connection to the PLC, updating software versions, determine night start/end & start a scheduling
349 47 Paul Carensac
 * Starts the alert_listener
350 47 Paul Carensac
 * Infinite loop to regularly check the instruments and PLC status (and send them to the IC)
351 47 Paul Carensac
 * Handles night start & end
352 47 Paul Carensac
353 18 Paul Carensac
h3. Evolution
354 18 Paul Carensac
355 1 Paul Carensac
 * Creating application
356 21 Paul Carensac
357 1 Paul Carensac
    * See scheduler documentation above
358 1 Paul Carensac
359 47 Paul Carensac
 * System to launch the task at the system's start
360 1 Paul Carensac
361 47 Paul Carensac
 * Implement skeleton of task
362 1 Paul Carensac
363 47 Paul Carensac
 * Implement starting actions (with some empty functions)
364 47 Paul Carensac
365 47 Paul Carensac
 * Main loop to check PLC, instruments and night start / end (not finished)
366 18 Paul Carensac
367 18 Paul Carensac
h3. Notes
368 18 Paul Carensac
369 18 Paul Carensac
h3. TODO
370 18 Paul Carensac
371 48 Paul Carensac
 * views
372 48 Paul Carensac
373 48 Paul Carensac
  * Move the dashboard here
374 48 Paul Carensac
  * Print the instrument status
375 48 Paul Carensac
  * Print PLC informations (with the evolution)
376 48 Paul Carensac
  * In the dashboard screens, put scroll on each screen to see the old logs
377 48 Paul Carensac
378 48 Paul Carensac
 * Monitoring task
379 48 Paul Carensac
380 48 Paul Carensac
  * Uncomment the scheduling at the beginning
381 48 Paul Carensac
  * Implement night start/end computation
382 48 Paul Carensac
  * Initialize communication with the instruments
383 48 Paul Carensac
  * Configure intruments at start
384 48 Paul Carensac
  * Send software versions to the IC
385 48 Paul Carensac
  * Initialize connection with PLC
386 48 Paul Carensac
  * After the starting actions, loop to wait for the instruments configuration to be finished
387 48 Paul Carensac
  * Ask PLC for status
388 48 Paul Carensac
  * Ask filter wheel for status
389 48 Paul Carensac
  * Store the instruments & PLC status
390 48 Paul Carensac
  * Send all status to IC
391 48 Paul Carensac
  * Analyse PLC status (obs conditions, ...)
392 48 Paul Carensac
  * Create tasks of obs condition changes
393 48 Paul Carensac
394 19 Paul Carensac
395 18 Paul Carensac
396 18 Paul Carensac
h2. %{margin-left:0px; font-weight:bold; font-size:25px;  display:block; color:red;}observation_manager%
397 18 Paul Carensac
398 18 Paul Carensac
h3. Purpose
399 18 Paul Carensac
400 49 Paul Carensac
 * Give orders the instruments to execute the plans
401 49 Paul Carensac
 * Take the calibration images and computes the 'super' calibration images
402 49 Paul Carensac
403 18 Paul Carensac
h3. Evolution
404 1 Paul Carensac
405 18 Paul Carensac
 * Creating application
406 1 Paul Carensac
407 21 Paul Carensac
    * See scheduler documentation above
408 1 Paul Carensac
409 49 Paul Carensac
 * Created the tasks : execute_plan_(nir/vis) & create_calibrations
410 1 Paul Carensac
411 49 Paul Carensac
 * Implemented the execute_plan tasks with some incomplete functions
412 1 Paul Carensac
413 1 Paul Carensac
h3. Notes
414 1 Paul Carensac
415 1 Paul Carensac
h3. TODO
416 49 Paul Carensac
417 49 Paul Carensac
 * execute_plan :
418 49 Paul Carensac
419 49 Paul Carensac
  * Use the cameras at a global level instead of creating them here (same for the filter wheels)
420 49 Paul Carensac
  * Uncomment the instruments_ready waiting function
421 49 Paul Carensac
  * Uncomment the observation_ending waiting function
422 49 Paul Carensac
  * Try to remove code duplication
423 49 Paul Carensac
  * Determine what needs to be done at the end of an observation
424 49 Paul Carensac
425 49 Paul Carensac
 * create_calibrations :
426 49 Paul Carensac
427 49 Paul Carensac
  * Make the calibration images
428 49 Paul Carensac
  * Generate super images
429 49 Paul Carensac
  * Send them to the IC
430 18 Paul Carensac
431 18 Paul Carensac
432 18 Paul Carensac
433 18 Paul Carensac
h2. %{margin-left:0px; font-weight:bold; font-size:25px;  display:block; color:red;}routine_manager%
434 18 Paul Carensac
435 18 Paul Carensac
h3. Purpose
436 18 Paul Carensac
437 18 Paul Carensac
h3. Evolution
438 18 Paul Carensac
439 18 Paul Carensac
 * Creating application
440 18 Paul Carensac
441 18 Paul Carensac
    * See scheduler documentation above
442 18 Paul Carensac
443 18 Paul Carensac
444 18 Paul Carensac
h3. Notes
445 18 Paul Carensac
446 19 Paul Carensac
h3. TODO
447 18 Paul Carensac
448 18 Paul Carensac
449 18 Paul Carensac
450 18 Paul Carensac
h2. %{margin-left:0px; font-weight:bold; font-size:25px;  display:block; color:red;}user_manager%
451 18 Paul Carensac
452 31 Paul Carensac
h3. Purpose
453 31 Paul Carensac
454 31 Paul Carensac
 * Handle user create / delete / login / logout
455 18 Paul Carensac
 * Allow to see user profile and make password recovery
456 18 Paul Carensac
457 18 Paul Carensac
h3. Evolution
458 18 Paul Carensac
459 18 Paul Carensac
 * Creating application
460 18 Paul Carensac
461 32 Paul Carensac
    * See scheduler documentation above
462 32 Paul Carensac
463 32 Paul Carensac
 * Taking and adapting templates from Alexandru project
464 32 Paul Carensac
465 32 Paul Carensac
 * User creation
466 33 Paul Carensac
467 33 Paul Carensac
  * Form in
468 33 Paul Carensac
  * Functions to verify if email doesn't exist and if passwords match
469 18 Paul Carensac
  * Added check to pass login page if user is already autheticated
470 18 Paul Carensac
  * Restricted access to all pyros views to authenticated users (except from user creation and login) with @login_required
471 18 Paul Carensac
472 18 Paul Carensac
h3. Notes
473 31 Paul Carensac
474 31 Paul Carensac
h3. TODO
475 31 Paul Carensac
476 31 Paul Carensac
 * Password recovery
477 18 Paul Carensac
 * Profile page
478 18 Paul Carensac
 * User validation by administrator / commission
479 18 Paul Carensac
480 20 Paul Carensac
481 18 Paul Carensac
482 18 Paul Carensac
h2. %{margin-left:0px; font-weight:bold; font-size:25px;  display:block; color:red;}common%
483 18 Paul Carensac
484 18 Paul Carensac
h3. Purpose
485 18 Paul Carensac
486 18 Paul Carensac
 * Regroups common data and functions shared by applications
487 18 Paul Carensac
488 25 Paul Carensac
h3. Content
489 18 Paul Carensac
490 25 Paul Carensac
 * RequestBuilder - class to build and save in DB the requests
491 25 Paul Carensac
492 25 Paul Carensac
  * You can start a request, then add sequences, albums and plans, given their parent class (ex: you need to give a sequence id to create an album)
493 18 Paul Carensac
  * Each function returns the ID of the element it created (to give it to the children classes)
494 18 Paul Carensac
  * To save a request, you need to use validate_request
495 25 Paul Carensac
496 25 Paul Carensac
h3. Notes
497 18 Paul Carensac
498 18 Paul Carensac
 * Will probably contain the DB models at last ...
499 1 Paul Carensac
500 1 Paul Carensac
h3. TODO