Pyros applications
Version 19 (Paul Carensac, 04/19/2016 05:40 pm) → Version 20/60 (Paul Carensac, 04/19/2016 05:40 pm)
h1. Pyros applications
List and details of all the pyros applications.
h2. %{margin-left:0px; font-weight:bold; font-size:25px; display:block; color:red;}pyrosapp%
h3. Purpose
* Contains all the database Models
* Basic tests in
* Backoffice configuration in
h3. Notes
* Will be progressively deleted while models being displaced
h2. %{margin-left:0px; font-weight:bold; font-size:25px; display:block; color:red;}dashboard%
h3. Purpose
* Interface for all external users
* Leads to displays and actions for all the pyros modules (users, requests, system execution, ...)
h3. Evolution
* Creating application
* startapp dashboard
* added 'dashboard' in -> INSTALLED_APPS
* created a file in dashboard module
* added _url(r'^dashboard/', include('dashboard.urls'))_ in pyros/ -> urlpatterns
* created templates/ and templates/dashboard/ folders in dashboard module
* Main page
* added 'home' view in
* linked 'home' view to 8000/dashboard URL
* created a template for the homepage in templates/dashboard/ (with bootstrap)
* created views, views linking ( and templates for the dashboard modules
* redirected mainpage buttons to Admin interface (temporary)
h3. Notes
* The buttons lead to the Admin interface for the moment
* Added bootstrap3 module (see Installation)
* Added Django Template Editor (see Eclipse configuration)
h3. TODO
* Create the backoffice views as the modules are integrated in pyros
* Think about a system of permissions
h2. %{margin-left:0px; font-weight:bold; font-size:25px; display:block; color:red;}scheduler%
h3. Purpose
* Creates the planning with the OBSERVABLE sequences
* Give acces to a web page to see the current planning
h3. Evolution
* Creating application
* startapp scheduler
* added 'scheduler' in -> INSTALLED_APPS
* created a file in scheduler module
* added _url(r'^scheduler/', include('scheduler.urls'))_ in pyros/ -> urlpatterns
* created templates/ and templates/scheduler/ folders in scheduler module
* Model modifications
* Schedule
* Remove day_start
* Remove day_stop
* Add plan_start
* Add plan_end
* Enum system for the status
* ScheduleHistory
* Remove day_start
* Remove day_stop
* Add plan_start
* Add plan_end
* Sequence
* Remove exec_start
* Remove exec_stop
* Add tsp
* Add tep
* Add jd1
* Add jd2
* Add deltaTL
* Add deltaTR
* Add t_prefered
* Changed duration from Float to DecimalField (more precise)
* Add overhead
* makemigrations sheduler ; migrate
* Creation of Scheduler and Interval classes in
* Implementation of the Interval class
* Implementation of the Scheduler's 'make_schedule' function (and children). This is the only entry point for now. This function creates the planning (organizes the observable sequences).
* Creation of the web interface
* Added current_schedule.html in template/scheduler folder
* Created view and url linking to this template (with current planning retrieving)
* Creation of the simulator
* Created a second entry point in the Scheduler class (with a few minor adaptations to handle SIMULATION mode)
* Created a simulator module in the scheduler
* Added the MyHTMLParser class (easy implementation of HTMLParser)
* Adder Simulator class. It parses a file given in parametr to retrieve sequences and create a schedule
* Created a second view linked to schedule/simulation to show simulation results
h3. Notes
* Priorities and quotas are default-calculated (for the moment)
* What is the 'flag' attribute in the Schedule model ?
h3. TODO
* Determine plan_start & plan_end
* Priority and quota computing
* Re-scheduling
* Blank space filling
* History ?
h2. %{margin-left:0px; font-weight:bold; font-size:25px; display:block; color:red;}alert_manager%
h3. Purpose
* Listen to VOEvent network
* Sort interesting events
* Create requests according to these events
* Manage the requests created via the alerts
h3. Evolution
* Creating application
* See scheduler documentation above
* Implementation of the agent system
* Created whith a "class AlertManagerAgent(Agent):" inside
* Overriding agent's 'work' and 'shutdown' method
* Added message(s) to agent.actions_by_message dictionnary, with the functions associated to these messages
* Added the Agent's launch system in
* Implementation of the VOEventListener Thread
* Created a "class VOEventListener(Thread):" in
* Overriding the run method
h3. Notes
* No functionnality is implemented
h3. TODO
h2. %{margin-left:0px; font-weight:bold; font-size:25px; display:block; color:red;}analyzer% color:red;}Analyzer%
h3. Purpose
* Analyze the images taken by the observation manager
h3. Evolution
* Creating application
* See scheduler documentation above
* Implementation of the agent system
* See alert_manager above
* 'shutdown' method is not implemented here because the Agent's default one is enough
h3. Notes
h3. TODO
h2. %{margin-left:0px; font-weight:bold; font-size:25px; display:block; color:red;}majordome%
h3. Purpose
h3. Evolution
* Creating application
* See scheduler documentation above
* Model modifications
h3. Notes
h3. TODO
h2. %{margin-left:0px; font-weight:bold; font-size:25px; display:block; color:red;}monitoring%
h3. Purpose
h3. Evolution
* Creating application
* See scheduler documentation above
* Model modifications
h3. Notes
h3. TODO
h2. %{margin-left:0px; font-weight:bold; font-size:25px; display:block; color:red;}observation_manager%
h3. Purpose
h3. Evolution
* Creating application
* See scheduler documentation above
* Model modifications
h3. Notes
h3. TODO
h2. %{margin-left:0px; font-weight:bold; font-size:25px; display:block; color:red;}request_builder%
h3. Purpose
h3. Evolution
* Creating application
* See scheduler documentation above
* Model modifications
h3. Notes
h3. TODO
h2. %{margin-left:0px; font-weight:bold; font-size:25px; display:block; color:red;}routine_manager%
h3. Purpose
h3. Evolution
* Creating application
* See scheduler documentation above
* Model modifications
h3. Notes
h3. TODO
h2. %{margin-left:0px; font-weight:bold; font-size:25px; display:block; color:red;}user_manager%
h3. Purpose
h3. Evolution
* Creating application
* See scheduler documentation above
* Model modifications
h3. Notes
h3. TODO
h2. %{margin-left:0px; font-weight:bold; font-size:25px; display:block; color:red;}common% color:red;}Common%
h3. Purpose
* Regroups common data and functions shared by applications
h3. Content
* Agent system in
* Class to be overrode by every agent
* Defines the agent names and status
* Agents configuration in pyros_agent_config.ini
* Defines the agents name, receiving port and ip
* Sender system in
* static send_to function, to send messages to the agents
* Common tests in
* Class AgentTests to test agents' functionnalities
h3. Notes
h3. TODO
List and details of all the pyros applications.
h2. %{margin-left:0px; font-weight:bold; font-size:25px; display:block; color:red;}pyrosapp%
h3. Purpose
* Contains all the database Models
* Basic tests in
* Backoffice configuration in
h3. Notes
* Will be progressively deleted while models being displaced
h2. %{margin-left:0px; font-weight:bold; font-size:25px; display:block; color:red;}dashboard%
h3. Purpose
* Interface for all external users
* Leads to displays and actions for all the pyros modules (users, requests, system execution, ...)
h3. Evolution
* Creating application
* startapp dashboard
* added 'dashboard' in -> INSTALLED_APPS
* created a file in dashboard module
* added _url(r'^dashboard/', include('dashboard.urls'))_ in pyros/ -> urlpatterns
* created templates/ and templates/dashboard/ folders in dashboard module
* Main page
* added 'home' view in
* linked 'home' view to 8000/dashboard URL
* created a template for the homepage in templates/dashboard/ (with bootstrap)
* created views, views linking ( and templates for the dashboard modules
* redirected mainpage buttons to Admin interface (temporary)
h3. Notes
* The buttons lead to the Admin interface for the moment
* Added bootstrap3 module (see Installation)
* Added Django Template Editor (see Eclipse configuration)
h3. TODO
* Create the backoffice views as the modules are integrated in pyros
* Think about a system of permissions
h2. %{margin-left:0px; font-weight:bold; font-size:25px; display:block; color:red;}scheduler%
h3. Purpose
* Creates the planning with the OBSERVABLE sequences
* Give acces to a web page to see the current planning
h3. Evolution
* Creating application
* startapp scheduler
* added 'scheduler' in -> INSTALLED_APPS
* created a file in scheduler module
* added _url(r'^scheduler/', include('scheduler.urls'))_ in pyros/ -> urlpatterns
* created templates/ and templates/scheduler/ folders in scheduler module
* Model modifications
* Schedule
* Remove day_start
* Remove day_stop
* Add plan_start
* Add plan_end
* Enum system for the status
* ScheduleHistory
* Remove day_start
* Remove day_stop
* Add plan_start
* Add plan_end
* Sequence
* Remove exec_start
* Remove exec_stop
* Add tsp
* Add tep
* Add jd1
* Add jd2
* Add deltaTL
* Add deltaTR
* Add t_prefered
* Changed duration from Float to DecimalField (more precise)
* Add overhead
* makemigrations sheduler ; migrate
* Creation of Scheduler and Interval classes in
* Implementation of the Interval class
* Implementation of the Scheduler's 'make_schedule' function (and children). This is the only entry point for now. This function creates the planning (organizes the observable sequences).
* Creation of the web interface
* Added current_schedule.html in template/scheduler folder
* Created view and url linking to this template (with current planning retrieving)
* Creation of the simulator
* Created a second entry point in the Scheduler class (with a few minor adaptations to handle SIMULATION mode)
* Created a simulator module in the scheduler
* Added the MyHTMLParser class (easy implementation of HTMLParser)
* Adder Simulator class. It parses a file given in parametr to retrieve sequences and create a schedule
* Created a second view linked to schedule/simulation to show simulation results
h3. Notes
* Priorities and quotas are default-calculated (for the moment)
* What is the 'flag' attribute in the Schedule model ?
h3. TODO
* Determine plan_start & plan_end
* Priority and quota computing
* Re-scheduling
* Blank space filling
* History ?
h2. %{margin-left:0px; font-weight:bold; font-size:25px; display:block; color:red;}alert_manager%
h3. Purpose
* Listen to VOEvent network
* Sort interesting events
* Create requests according to these events
* Manage the requests created via the alerts
h3. Evolution
* Creating application
* See scheduler documentation above
* Implementation of the agent system
* Created whith a "class AlertManagerAgent(Agent):" inside
* Overriding agent's 'work' and 'shutdown' method
* Added message(s) to agent.actions_by_message dictionnary, with the functions associated to these messages
* Added the Agent's launch system in
* Implementation of the VOEventListener Thread
* Created a "class VOEventListener(Thread):" in
* Overriding the run method
h3. Notes
* No functionnality is implemented
h3. TODO
h2. %{margin-left:0px; font-weight:bold; font-size:25px; display:block; color:red;}analyzer% color:red;}Analyzer%
h3. Purpose
* Analyze the images taken by the observation manager
h3. Evolution
* Creating application
* See scheduler documentation above
* Implementation of the agent system
* See alert_manager above
* 'shutdown' method is not implemented here because the Agent's default one is enough
h3. Notes
h3. TODO
h2. %{margin-left:0px; font-weight:bold; font-size:25px; display:block; color:red;}majordome%
h3. Purpose
h3. Evolution
* Creating application
* See scheduler documentation above
* Model modifications
h3. Notes
h3. TODO
h2. %{margin-left:0px; font-weight:bold; font-size:25px; display:block; color:red;}monitoring%
h3. Purpose
h3. Evolution
* Creating application
* See scheduler documentation above
* Model modifications
h3. Notes
h3. TODO
h2. %{margin-left:0px; font-weight:bold; font-size:25px; display:block; color:red;}observation_manager%
h3. Purpose
h3. Evolution
* Creating application
* See scheduler documentation above
* Model modifications
h3. Notes
h3. TODO
h2. %{margin-left:0px; font-weight:bold; font-size:25px; display:block; color:red;}request_builder%
h3. Purpose
h3. Evolution
* Creating application
* See scheduler documentation above
* Model modifications
h3. Notes
h3. TODO
h2. %{margin-left:0px; font-weight:bold; font-size:25px; display:block; color:red;}routine_manager%
h3. Purpose
h3. Evolution
* Creating application
* See scheduler documentation above
* Model modifications
h3. Notes
h3. TODO
h2. %{margin-left:0px; font-weight:bold; font-size:25px; display:block; color:red;}user_manager%
h3. Purpose
h3. Evolution
* Creating application
* See scheduler documentation above
* Model modifications
h3. Notes
h3. TODO
h2. %{margin-left:0px; font-weight:bold; font-size:25px; display:block; color:red;}common% color:red;}Common%
h3. Purpose
* Regroups common data and functions shared by applications
h3. Content
* Agent system in
* Class to be overrode by every agent
* Defines the agent names and status
* Agents configuration in pyros_agent_config.ini
* Defines the agents name, receiving port and ip
* Sender system in
* static send_to function, to send messages to the agents
* Common tests in
* Class AgentTests to test agents' functionnalities
h3. Notes
h3. TODO