Evolution #4569

Evolution #4090: ******************* PYROS SOFTWARE

Evolution #4093: ************** (WP) 09.1 – OBSERVATORY CONTROL

Evolution #4142: ******* (M) 09.1.40 - OBSERVER (EXEC, EYES) - Observation Manager, Imager *******

Evolution #4558: * (F) Devices Management

Evolution #4235: * (F) Devices SIMULATORS (Telescope, Cameras, PLC, ...)

NIR (CAGIRE) simulation

Added by Etienne Pallier over 8 years ago. Updated over 8 years ago.

Status:NouveauStart date:05/19/2016
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:-% Done:


Category:-Estimated time:36.00 hours
Target version:-Spent time:-


Evolution #3683: 20 - NIR cam simple simulator v1 (should be given by the ...Nouveau

Evolution #4570: 30 - NIR cam simple simulator v2 (should be given by the ...Nouveau

Evolution #4571: 10 - Pyros simple NIR simulatorNouveauPaul Carensac

Related issues

Copied to Evolution #4572: VIS simulation Nouveau 05/19/2016

Also available in: Atom PDF